Perhaps you already know that, as well as running Fieldhouse Flowers, I also co-founded The Farewell Flowers Directory, the national directory for florists who offer beautiful plastic-free funeral flowers.
Well, in May 2025, The Farewell Flowers Directory is going to RHS Chelsea Flower Show - the first people ever to exhibit funeral flowers there and we’re very excited about the attention we’re going to get in the country’s media.
Chelsea Flower Show is the world’s most famous flower show and exhibiting there is exhilarating and exhausting - I know, I got a Gold medal there in 2018 with Flowers From The Farm.
Because I need to give 100% of my attention and energy to Chelsea this year, I won’t be opening for PYO, and I’m sorry for the disappointment this will cause among all my lovely visitors. Turning 70 at the end of last year has made me realise I can’t do everything - even if I’d really like to.
I believe there are still 3 vouchers remaining unused from last year. If one of these is yours, please get in touch and I’ll sort something out. If you’re local I could bring you a lovely bunch of flowers - or offer a refund if you’re from further away.
The Farewell Flowers Directory will be recreating their Chelsea display at RHS Wentworth Woodhouse in July, so please pop by and say hullo if you’re visiting.
I’m still offering funeral flowers all this season, so please get in touch if you lose a loved one and would like to remember them with seasonal, local flowers.
I’m Gill Hodgson and, over the past 15 years, I’ve created a beautiful area on our farm from where I’ll gather and create very personal flowers for a funeral. I use no pesticides in the field and, as a result, it’s full of insects, bees
and birds who enjoy the tranquil space almost as much as I do.